Our Cypress paneling will make a stunning addition to your home as it is commonly used for wall and ceiling treatments, cabinetry, door-making and exterior applications. Once used for growing mushrooms, this wood has a unique history that will be told for years to come. The brown colors and natural material will make you feel at home. Made from reclaimed wood, each cypress panel has a story to tell.
- Tones: These panels are sourced from cypress wood and exhibit cool, earthy tones. Colors range from a variety of browns.
- Pricing: Pricing on Cypress panels varies per square foot. Please contact us for pricing.
Reclaimed Cypress Paneling
This Cypress wood was once used for growing mushrooms. The deep sculpted grain is crafted by nature through a process called fungiculture. During the mushroom’s growth cycle, the bin wood is exposed to years of acid laden sustainable compost, moisture, and abrasion. Those enzymes digest and gradually wear away the fibers in the top layer of softwood. Once the mushrooms are harvested and the wood is sorted and cleaned, the hardy, durable wood left behind displays a deep, hyper-textured, weathered, one of a kind earthy-caramel patina. Light and shadows dance throughout its rough-grained surface.
Since the wood planks used in the bins degrade over time, the wooden beds need to be replaced every few decades. So, it typically does not end up in landfills or chopped up and used for mulch. Since this mushroom wood is consistent in size and not random widths or lengths, the yield is very high in comparison to random width, random length barn siding. This lends itself to a quicker and more efficient installation process. Although there are many different states that farm mushrooms commercially in the U.S., Pennsylvania is responsible for 44 percent of mushrooms on grocery store shelves. Most of the mushroom wood is sourced locally from salvaged eastern cypress, though hemlock wood is also used since it can withstand constant exposure to moisture and soil.
Mushroom cypress has an exciting and historical sustainability story attached to its origin. This can be misleading since the wood isn’t really made from mushrooms. This wood is used to line the boxes of mushroom crops at mushroom growing facilities today and as far back in history as 1896.
Mushroom Board is an excellent choice for wall and ceiling treatments, cabinetry, door making and exterior applications.
Request Pricing on Our Rocky Mountain Series Cypress Reclaimed Paneling
Cypress paneling is eco-friendly and provides an opportunity to install paneling that has a tangible connection to our nation's past. Connect with us online to request a customized estimate and Let Us Guide You Through The Woods®.