June 8, 2015

The Magnificent Giant Cedars of Ross Creek in Troy, MT

blog > Resources > The Magnificent Giant Cedars of Ross Creek in Troy, MT


Giant_Cedars_Ross_CreekIf you ever just happen to be traveling through northwestern Montana, you may want to visit the famous “Ross Creek Cedar Grove.”  This ancient forest rivals the incredible beauty of the giant sequoias/redwoods of northern California. Many of the trees in this grove are estimated to be over 400 years old, thus being in existence when Columbus first visited America.

Our Founder, John Medlinger, who developed our slogan, “Let us guide you  through the woods,” and his lovely wife, Jan, have visited this preserve off and on over the years.  You can see  Jan in the picture — kinda looks like she’s a we bit short, but of course the 8′ in diameter by 175 feet tall giants scale in comparison to any person.  I spoke with Jan recently and she mentioned that “John and I always enjoy this trip and highly recommend others to visit given the chance!”

For those who wish to embark on this journey, it’s a very easy .9 mile self-guided nature trail and is a beautiful loop that include an old growth eco-system.  In addition to the beautiful surroundings, local history and ecology is posted on interpretive signage.  Reading further into the history I was fascinated that these trees survived the “Great Fire of 1910.″ The fire fortunately did not make it down to the heart of Ross Creek, thus the forest miraculously survived.

Since our main business model and focus is educating our clients in the reclaimed lumber and reclaimed flooring  industry, it seemed only natural to showcase this unique and historic attraction.

Let Us Guide You Through The Woods®